HEED CASE release debut album ‘All the Rage’

Newts & Si – ‘Heed Case’ 2024

Heed Case are North East UK musicians Newts Newton (ex Angelic Upstarts guitarist) and Si Cadelik (Northumbrian Psych rock bassist).

“We’ve been involved in music since our late teens, so that’s approximately 40 years and counting. In some ways it feels like forever, in others, like only yesterday” said Newts.

“Recently I noticed the closure of the Marsden Inn in South Shields and was saddened because that’s where I played my first gig back in 1984”.

Are the duo still angry after all these years?

“The album explores gaslighting, narcissism and entitlement. All three elements feature heavily in populism and identity politics. Social media allows this to flourish, elbowing aside balance, objectivity and critical thinking. This emboldens extremists and those who seek to radicalise people with their brand of hateful rhetoric”.

Watch 1 min promo >  All The Rage – Album Release Promo (youtube.com)

This album ain’t no snoozefest. Heed Case deliver hefty chunks of pneumatic post punk on steroids, their angry vocals reflect the problems of the world around them, and us, today.

“Rather than tackle the causes of problems, the trend is to scapegoat. This should be a worry and concern for everyone, not just two people in a band. One day, that scapegoat might be you!”

All Wankers, Rats and stand out track WTFH are on a 16-track album that clocks in at a ball busting 30 minutes.

The album was recorded at home but mixed and mastered by Martin Trollope at his studio Harbourmaster Productions. We think he did an excellent job, he was a pleasure to work with.” explained Newts.

Heed Case debut album June 2024

With an impressive debut album in the bag the Case are in no mood to rest on their laurels.

It’s an introduction album but also a transitional one, we hope people will enjoy what they hear and stick with us moving forward as we look to broaden our horizons beyond our punk and psych roots”.

Next up for Heed Case is transferring the songs to a live stage. Can it be done?

Absolutely. We must do the hard yards and tour – it’s as simple as that. We’re working on that right now, so please like and follow our socials for news of when and where we’ll be making a nuisance of ourselves around the UK and beyond.”

Debut album ‘All the Rage’ is released on Friday 21st June 2024 & on pre-sale from the website.

For further info-music-video-merch- contact official website

Alikivi   June 2024

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